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Transfer Case Rebuild

We rebuild all Jeep transfer cases from 1941 through 1976.

 We offer complete rebuild services for all transfer cases for all Jeep and Jeep Utility vehicles from 1941 through 1976. Our process is to disassemble the entire unit and establish if the case and some, or all of major internal components can be re-used, or, if new parts are required. As with our other rebuild services, we’ll need to insure the case is free of cracks, broken castings, or worn surfaces. If it is, we can move to cleaning and inspecting each of the internal parts. The inspection can tell us a lot about it’s life and whether it was taken care of, or overworked. From there, we’ll provide a list and cost of what we can and can not use. Our next step is to have all surfaces hand taped off and sent in for sandblasting, this allows us to work with clean surfaces and may reveal cracks not seen. We then begin assembly, then epoxy primer and final paint. Please call us to talk in more detail about your project.